Mercer Zimmerman and Built Solutions Join Forces to Expand Services to Commercial Clients

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Mercer Zimmerman, the Midwest’s leading lighting and controls agency, and Built Solutions, a company that designs and installs modular interiors using DIRTT products, have teamed up to provide more ways for their customers to create beautiful, functional spaces. 

The partnership follows the purchase of the business, Built Interior Construction, by an affiliate company of Mercer Zimmerman. Under its new ownership, the company will move forward operating as Built Solutions, LLC, with Chad Thacker leading as president. 

“For more than 75 years, Mercer Zimmerman has represented high quality, beautifully designed lighting products that enable our clients to create inviting spaces where people want to work, live and play,” said Shon Yust, owner and president of Mercer Zimmerman. “Working alongside Built, we are able to seamlessly expand the solutions we offer to customers — from lighting and controls to state-of-the-art modular interiors. Both companies stand for excellence in product and customer service, which makes this a great working relationship.”

Built Solutions is headquartered in Overland Park, KS and employs 17 people. Mercer Zimmerman, which has been the DIRTT partner in Iowa and South Dakota for the past two years, has added their five-person DIRTT team to Built. Built’s territory consists of Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Central and Southern Illinois and South Dakota, with showrooms in Overland Park, St. Louis and Des Moines.

As a DIRTT Platinum Partner, Built represents architectural solutions that are sustainable, functional and customizable – with patented wall elements that support power, data, plumbing and technology. Key projects in the region have included the new Johnson County Courthouse (KS), Stifel Financial (St. Louis), Spira Care (KC metro area facilities) and Security Benefit and the new United States Courthouse (both in Des Moines).

“Built will benefit from the reputation, operational strength, and experience of Mercer Zimmerman as we strive to grow our business,” said Chad Thacker, Built’s president. “Making their lighting experts accessible to our interior space clients only adds value to the service and solutions we pride ourselves on.” 

Russ Branden, co-owner of the predecessor company, Built Interior Construction, will stay on to lead operations. “With Mercer Zimmerman’s backing and with our know-how in the modular interiors space, we’re excited to take Built Solutions to the next level. These are two companies that share the same values and treat team members like family. I look forward to the growth opportunities, not only for Built but for our team.”

BUILT Interior Construction goes wall-to-wall with custom building solution

“We like to say, we don’t make walls; we liberate the space between them,” said Andre’ Davis, business development manager for BUILT. “We serve as a strategic partner to anyone interested in building better, using technology and clean construction methods to future-proof their space.”

Read article in Metro Wire Media by Krista Kalus

Reimagining Rural Healthcare

A conversation about the future of rural healthcare.

Don Peterson discusses the future of rural healthcare including the challenges, current realities, a view from the private industry and the right next step. Watch our short four-part video series and learn more.

Classical Music Revitalized the Soul of a Historic Kansas City Building

Webster House KC Symphony

There has always been a song in the Kansas City air. From the founding of the first Kansas City Symphony in 1911 through the birth of jazz in the 1920s, music has been at the heart of the city’s history.

Time passes and society changes, and so does the city and the melodies it plays. But the music remains a  constant thread connecting Kansas City over decades, across state lines, through hardship and  prosperity.

“It’s a reminder that while our future is unpredictable, our past holds the key to what keeps us together  … and there’s nothing like music to bring Kansas Citians together.”

So when the Kansas City Symphony began looking for a new headquarters to accommodate its  musicians, staff and the public, it took that thought to heart.

“Everything we do as the Kansas City Symphony is rooted in history and art and in relating what was to  what is,” said Danny Beckley, Executive Director of the Symphony.

  • That meant rather than raising an existing building to make room for something built to spec, the  organization prioritized finding a historic space and transforming it into something practical for today  and adaptable for whatever comes tomorrow.

And it only had to look out the windows of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts to find a new  home to fit that mission perfectly.

  • The historic Webster School, which most recently operated as an upscale restaurant and as retail space  shuttered by the pandemic, sits on the south lawn of the Kauffman Center and was waiting for new  occupants.

Beckley recognized the importance of working with architects and designers who shared a similar  commitment to honoring the city’s history while modernizing infrastructure to meet the needs of the  people who move within it.

We partnered with the Kansas City Symphony and Helix Architecture + Design to create just such an  environment within the Webster School, which dates to 1885 — originally the oldest structure in the  Kansas City public school district.

The former classrooms “really wouldn’t be conducive to anything more than bullpens, so we had to  think creatively about how to use this building,” said Alissa Wehmueller, Principal, Helix/Architecture +  Design.

“The team wanted to do “two things at once,” Wehmueller said. “Maintain the historic quality of the building [and] achieve the program and make it work for the symphony.”

“DIRTT walls became a really great solution,” said Beckley, to the question of how to incorporate private  offices without permanently adding any structure that didn’t feel authentic to the building.

DIRTT creates an environment that reflects a fusion between the ornate features of the Richardson  Romanesque building and the contemporary architecture of the Kauffman Center.

The glass DIRTT walls complement the Center’s iconic glass atrium and segment the building to make it  suitable for the symphony’s needs, without hiding its original features.

“They brought a polished, elevated feel to this space,” said Wehmueller.

That constant collaboration between the symphony, the building owner and their partners has given  new life to a historic building and a new home to Kansas City’s rich musical history.

“There is nowhere the symphony would rather be than in the Crossroads art district,” said Beckley.” — Beckley

“And to have them in a historic landmark? That makes it even better. The Webster School gives us the  ability to introduce people to what we do and to open our arms and say, ‘we’re for you, too.’”

Designing the Future into Today’s Office Environments

As the business world constantly moves forward, the main goals remain growth and expansion. Yet growth inflicts demands on a business’s technology, staff, and even physical environment.

To foster expansion, businesses require larger teams, up–to–date technology, and an ever growing and changing office environment. Our team can help cultivate office conditions that change with you and the evolution of technology.

Vantage Credit Union worked with us in the past on a couple other smaller projects using DIRTT wall systems. When they began to outgrow their physical environment, they knew it was time to expand their new headquarters and contacted our team with a desire for a working environment employees would enjoy—something fun, different, expansive, and inviting.

Vantage Space Infographic

New technology in prefab construction lends solutions to businesses. Using DIRTT wall systems, we crafted a custom working space of 20 offices, plus meeting, conference, and training rooms. Along the way, our team embedded wall technology where necessary.

The goal was to preserve the tall ceilings during the expansion. Despite the challenge, our team provided Vantage 13 feet of DIRTT walls. “We challenged them…they found a way to make all that work,” said John Hopkins, Chief Risk Officer at Vantage Credit Union.

Functional design makes doing the work of your business easier and more efficient while creating space for partnership. Now, the office designs are more cost and time effective. When the team at Vantage Credit Union saw their new headquarters, they were in awe of how quickly and masterfully a blank slate turned into an open and bright usable office environment.


Vantage Quote 1 Vantage Quote 2


Never has the demand of businesses been higher. We’re aiming to create meaningful working environments and offices that can help solve some of world’s biggest challenges. Let’s redefine office design and keep building strategically for tomorrow.




Changing Together: A Commercial Real Estate Conversation


As the world shifted all around us this past year, spaces and how we spend time inside them also shifted.

Flexibility is both the biggest challenge and greatest area for opportunity in commercial real estate.

In-person white board sessions moved to video conferences and water cooler conversations became non-existent. Retail spaces had to close their doors for months and restaurants ran food to customers’ cars or homes instead of inviting them in.

Commercial real estate is no stranger to change. Between market shifts, economic fluctuations, and tenant lease agreements, those in this industry have always felt the need to stay on their toes.


Over the years, they’ve had to ask the right questions and listen. How do people want to shop? What kind of environment do people want to live in? How has work changed? Enter ever-changing technology and needs that fluctuate even more.

So while no one could’ve planned for the changes over this past year, if we’ve learned anything, it’s that the path forward isn’t rigid or cold. The path forward is through agility and through a people-first approach.

“Most people feel like there’s always this pendulum swing. From never going back to work again, to back at work – collaborating and innovating” – Chad Stafford, President, Occidental Management

Changing Together - Leadership Quote

“Spaces are going to change. It requires more flexibility, and the ability to change those dynamics quickly.”

It requires asking good questions, listening, and partnering with those that care. It requires a real understanding of the impact the commercial real estate industry can make.

As people start moving towards more in-person white board sessions, quick chats at the water cooler about the weather, and enjoying meals inside their favorite restaurants, their needs and expectations will be different from what they were a year ago. And so will the needs of the tenants, owners, and managers of those in these spaces.

The spaces themselves may need to change, but one thing is always constant: there will be people inside them. And as long as those in this industry keep that at the top of their minds and at the forefront of any decisions they make towards change – we’re moving in the right direction.
